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Tie quality control + quality assurance directly to individual Work Centers and processing steps on the production floor, all in one inclusive database with no separate silos of disjointed data.

Video on Bluestreak OPERATIONS

Partial List of Key QMS Components


Integrated Quality Management

  • Online Help and Training videos.

  • ITAR/EAR user viewing controls.

  • Flexible and customizable Certifications.

  • Control Plan Characteristics (even at the operation level).

  • Quickly add Quality testing results with Rapid Add Quality.

  • Role-based access control and restricted User viewing controls.

  • Integrated Control Plans and Process Rules & Instructions for Operators.

  • Supports/enables industrial Additive Manufacturing (AM/3D Printing) workflows.

  • Built-in hyperlinks throughout the system to quickly get you the information you need.

  • Pre-loaded with commonly used quality characteristics and the capability to add as many as needed.

  • Quality Test result data is stored (Reported Result, Measured, Converted, Rounded) so there is full transparency of the data for verification of how test values were collected and reported.

  • Product deliveries are automatically grouped by Customer and delivery address to assist the driver, and a single click on the delivery address will provide access to Google Maps.

  • Centrally manage customer contact information, billing and shipping information, customer notes, part data, purchase orders, quotes, customer-specific media, etc.

  • Customers and Managers can receive real-time notifications via email and/or text message of when Parts have been picked up, put on a truck for delivery, or have been delivered to their dock and signed off (easily see who accepted the Parts delivery and verify proof of delivery).

  • Provides manageable user-defined Risk Templates with ‘scorable’ risk questions and answers to determine the overall risk in processing a particular Part.


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Work Order Management

Manage all aspects of your work orders and easily access customer work order history with simple search functions. Create work orders quickly to eliminate paper-based activities that take a significant amount of time that could be spent elsewhere to boost productivity. What’s more, because you’re automating your workflow with Bluestreak™ management software, you can keep up with new work orders as they come in.


Work Orders​

  • Spreadsheets can be added to a Quote, if necessary, as a pricing worksheet.

  • Work Order Part serial number control (validates Part quantity).

  • Make Control Plans non-editable or editable on Work Orders, depending upon requirements.

  • Connect electronic and/or paper Charts to Work Orders for every ‘load’ in every operation.

  • Attach quality-related media to Work Order Processes, such as racking and loading instructions, instructional videos, pictures, diagrams, etc.

  • Attach quoted or standard pricing to Work Order operations, based on any combination of Part Number, Alloy/Material, Process (also quantities and part dimensions via grid/matrices).

  • Orders can contain any number of Containers, Part Numbers, Operation Steps, Certs, Shippers, Notes, Media, Loads, and Quality Control Plan Characteristics.

  • Bluestreak I intelliPlan™ leverages the power of mini-processes that can be embedded within other Part Processes (allows you to manage a single mini-process that can be used in hundreds of other processes).

  • When building a Process on a Work Order for a new customer part, Bluestreak I intelliPlan™ filters the list of possible processes to select from based on required specifications, part information, and rules that you manage.



Corrective Actions/Preventive Actions and Non-Conformances

A true corrective action must fully eliminate the cause of the nonconformity or defect, rather than simply fix it once. The root cause is the reason for the breakdown or inefficiency in the process. It is easier to identify nonconformities when using a dedicated software platform like Bluestreak™, to zero in on the root cause of the issue, and take corrective action that eliminates problems later.


  • Corrective Actions/Preventive Actions are automatically connected to future orders.

  • Quality Managers know that CAPA instructions are viewed/acknowledged via electronic signatures.

  • View all Work Orders that are connected to a CAPA.

  • Enforce the collecting of quality data from the shop floor during processing.


  • Management of nonconformance Parts and ‘Scrap’.

  • Advanced disposition control of Scrap/Parts.

  • Issue non-conformances that automatically prevent parts from entering the next step in processing.



Documented Information Control is Critical to Compliance

Policies and procedures need to be managed, not simply collected, and therefore document control is the cornerstone of quality, compliance, and process excellence. Quality process information, work instructions, job descriptions, and specifications must all be created, revised, distributed, tracked, and “retired” with consistency and efficiency.


Concerning audits, it is important when planning your audit to look at the overall risk to your business posed by poor documentation control. ISO 9001 and other industry standards require documented information control that clarifies how you are maintaining control.


Bluestreak I BlueDoc™ will provide record control that most compliance standards require and do it in a more user-friendly environment. In other words, you should get more benefits for less work resulting in reduced document control and audit findings.

  • Replace paper-based document control procedures.

  • Assign Specifications for “Personnel Viewing” aka ITAR/EAR.

  • Access, create, collaborate, approve and change documents within a single system.

  • Version tracking, approvals, notifications, policy administration of quality documentation.

  • Ensure that the most current revision of your Quality Manual and operating policies and procedures are centrally located and easily accessible from the shop floor.

  • Maintain a detailed, time-stamped, and user-identified audit trail for each document (required by certain accreditations, certifications, and compliance standards, such as ISO 9001, AS9100, etc.).

  • View what revision was ‘active and in force’ for a previous Work Order, Maintenance Order, Certification, Non-Conformance, CAPA, Concern, Quote, Invoice, Audit, etc.

  • Define a list of individuals who must Approve the document, or Acknowledge the newly published document, and electronically send the document prior to being published.





Production Operations
Monitor All Work in Progress


Production Floor

  • Labor/Indirect Labor tracking functions.

  • BoM (bill of material) processing capability.

  • Specify data collection requirements at each Operation step, if necessary.

  • Freeze Processes to prevent changes to the Process when used on a Work Order.

  • Automate tracking of each Part in a Work Order through all the required processing steps.

  • Monitor all work-in-progress, at every stage of processing, from contract review to shipment.

  • Prioritized job list with Entry Date, Promised Date, Requested Date, Delivery Performance Date.

  • The Parts in a single Work Order can be combined with Parts from other Work Orders as needed, in any number of loads.

  • Gives the User a quick view of all the work within their Work Center queue (work is assigned to the Work Center automatically based on the current operation step specified on the Work Order; when an operation step is complete, the system routes the Parts to the next step in processing).

  • Provides flexibility to track the splitting and combining of loads from one operation to another; if Parts from a Work Order are split into multiple loads at operation step 2, they automatically are recombined at operation step 3, where the Parts can be split again or simply processed as a single load (you can optimize the routing of work on the shop floor to meet unique processing requirements).

  • Schedule jobs using the Sequencer, Calendar Sequencer, or Multi-Equipment Calendar.

  • Alert operators with real-time quality notifications via Bluestreak I Global Communications Hub™.



Statistical Process Control
Reduce Waste

By using statistical process control, manufacturers can move from a detection approach to a prevention approach, reducing or eliminating the need to rely on sorting or inspection. SPC can increase productivity, reduce waste, and reduce the risk of shipping nonconforming products. 

Statistical Process Control (SPC)

  • Any Control Plan Characteristic can be configured for SPC.

  • The sample size is controlled at the Process level ensuring the Sampling Plan is followed at the Work Order level.

  • SPC has extensible support for statistical rules to help spot trends before a process gets ‘out of control’.

  • Upper and lower control limits are auto-calculated, but you determine when you want to ‘tighten’ your control limits.

  • Provide instant Process feedback to inspection personnel allowing for immediate response to detrimental Process variation.

  • When test results are added, the SPC chart is updated in real-time allowing you to see and/or be notified at the time of test entry, if there are any issues with your process.

  • Use the Westinghouse run rules to highlight non-random out-of-control conditions to simplify chart interpretations and reduce training time.

  • Set Control Limits manually at the outset of new Processes and during the initial data collection phase to provide visual aids while creating Processes.

  • Simplifies Root Cause Analysis when non-conformances occur by providing data from key operating systems.



Inventory and P.O
Organize and Track
in Real-time

Streamline and scale your inventory processes using a variety of criteria (serial numbers, lot numbers, expiration dates, revision levels, etc.). 

Inventory and P.O.

  • Capture Quotes from Vendors.

  • Inventory tracking and control (set reorder levels).

  • Link inventory items to a Vendor and/or a Vendor Part.

  • Generate a Purchase Order (automatically or manually) and email it to the vendor.

  • Multiple suppliers, multiple inventory locations, and review all inventory transactions.

  • Can automatically send out notifications via eMail, iMail, or text message to Users Contractors, Vendors, or other Contacts in the system.

  • Dozens of events are automatically tracked and can be subscribed to with real-time notifications (i.e. inventory level low, PO generated, inventory added, etc.).


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Streamline Equipment Maintenance


Create versatile inspection, checklists, and safety forms that allow your team members to report issues and track them all the way through to resolution.

Equipment Maintenance

  • An effective Preventive Maintenance (PM) tool, allowing instant visualization of resourcing issues; schedule regular PM tasks or one-off maintenance orders.

  • Enables predictive maintenance by using the system’s run charts to identify non-random changes in the operating parameters of key process Equipment.

  • Track up/downtime, labor hours, and repair costs.

  • Maintenance can be tied directly into Production and Scheduling.

  • Manage, plan and schedule the maintenance and use of production equipment.

  • Automatically track load counts for specifications that have both time and load variables.

  • Maintenance Orders are built using extremely flexible processes that support unlimited steps (and each step can be individually trackable), unlimited media (photos, drawings, schematics, PDFs, Word documents, spreadsheets, videos, instructions, or any electronic document).

  • Operators can be prevented from using an out-of-service piece of equipment or one scheduled for maintenance.

  • Provides for lean manufacturing total productive maintenance by providing equipment operators instant feedback allowing personnel to address negative trends before out-of-tolerance conditions occur.

  • Enforce regularly scheduled equipment calibration checks by preventing operators from selecting equipment for quality tests unless a calibration check has been performed recently.​​

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Advanced Specifications Management

Establishing one centralized platform for managing your specifications and other critical business documents gives you the power to implement standards across your organization and align different departments to maximize efficiency, save money, and ensure compliance.

Advanced Specifications Management

  • Supports management of multiple industry specifications, plus any internal and Prime specifications.

  • Respond immediately to auditor or customer conformance inquiries.

  • Certifications can be approved and signed via an electronic signature from authorized users.

  • Include all Control Plan Characteristic test results, or select appropriate ones for the Certification.

  • Create multiple Certs for a single order, for partial shipments (and amendments to previous Certs).

  • Simplifies Work Order processing by linking Quotes and Work Orders to current  Specification requirements.

  • Attach Specifications to individual operation steps to auto-test personnel, equipment, and vendor qualifications.

  • Attach Specifications to a Work Order to drive Certification statements and Testing to the quoted specification requirements.

  • You are alerted in real-time of a mismatch between Quote and Work Order specifications; when Work Order specifications are superseded by a newer revision or have been obsoleted; when an Operator attempts to process a load without having proper qualifications and/or inadequate documentation of required training; when Equipment is selected, or selection is attempted for Equipment not qualified for the Process or when its qualifications have lapsed; of upcoming requirements for equipment, vendors, or personnel, such as uniformity surveys (TUS), system accuracy tests (SAT), instrument calibration, etc.; or of Vendors who are not qualified for a particular job, or when their qualifications have lapsed.

  • Displays where every document (internal and external) is referenced so that updating to a new revision is rapid, accurate and fully documented (in Quotes, equipment maintenance, managed QMS documents, Processes,  Employee Training, and Vendor Qualification).

  • Generate Certification statements with a single click, auto-populated from Parts, Processes, and Specifications.

  • When the Work Order is complete, the system provides a built-in, robust audit trail documenting conformance to requirements, along with a Process Control Matrix containing all supporting documents/references.


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